Knoxville Vlogs Series

I recently went to Knoxville, TN with my family to visit a friend, AbdelRahman Murphy who is the new Youth Director for the Muslim Community of Knoxville. Below is the vlog series I filmed while there. I vlogged our daily activities along with some previews of the...

Review: Margin Call

[youtube][/youtube] I got a chance to watch an early screening of this movie and I thought the writing and acting was pheonominal. I was also very impressed by the rookie director J. C. Chandor, overall a great movie and very...
Review: Little Mosque on the Prairie

Review: Little Mosque on the Prairie

Today my professor made us watch Little Mosque on the Prairie. There are far to many things wrong with this show for me to let it go. In the past I have seen characters use the word Allahu Akbar as a greeting on 24. I have seen characters in the 3rd Rambo use...

L.A. Vlog Series

A series of vlogs I shot during my trip to L.A. last weekend. Featuring IOK, Shaykh Nooman Baig, Imam Zaid Shakir, Imam Tahir Anwar, and others. [tubepress mode=”playlist” playlistValue=”A421AD0BD821410B”]